My debut post of sorts.
It's been expected for a few nights now, but I've been stuck with how to respond and how I should go about this.
I am not a public person when it comes to my thoughts and the idea of having to share them is a difficult one for me to imagine putting into practice. It is rare for me to even volunteer information on how I spend my time on a day-to-day basis. I am a recluse by nature.
I don't think being a recluse has to necessarily mean one doesn't enjoy the company of others, every so often. I know I do, I love it in fact. And this is a common misconception in my opinion.
Company is such a lovely, wonderful thing. It can warm the heart, make you forget all your troubles and fears and practicality. It can also change you. Change your opinions, change rationality and change the path of your life. It is an infection of sorts in many cases be it for better or worse.
Those precious few days we had to ourselves made you forget our problems, but they made me remember how easy it was to just be myself in your company. No need to make false, 'interesting' conversation for the sake of someone else like I feel like I have to do sometimes. The soft sound of silence is not unwelcome like it normally is. It is not awkward, it is comfortable. And I don't feel like I have to try to impress you or that I may be judged for something stupid that I say - i.e. when it comes to that wonderful topic of feminism..
It's truly touching, your last post. I never understand why you actually like me more than any of the other girls, because I'm not any more interesting or kind or funny or knowledgeable about your interests than them. And I will always be a skeptic. But thank you, you have made me feel like I made a difference to someone.
It's easy to forget that period when you completely closed yourself off to me last summer - you were cold and spiteful and I remember crying every night (after everyone went to bed in silence under my duvet) for a while because this was supposed to be someone that had claimed only 3 months ago that they would do anything for me. It seemed like at the time, everything was as I had originally thought - you were never really in love with me. It was just more words.
I guess that period was a blessing in disguise though. It made me a bit tougher, it made me put thoughts of you down. I could remember you with neutrality instead of some kind of strong emotion which I hated feeling. And when you made contact again, it was in your own time and on my terms. I was okay treating you as a friend.
I'll be honest, you didn't come to mind at all when I kissed other people. I know that must hurt you, but you should understand how I deal with emotions already. You hurt me: I respond either by dealing with it and moving on or just forgetting about it. But all the while, believe me when I say you still had a place in my heart.
That bit must be obvious when instead of going out with friends, I stayed in and talked to you, especially in the last few months. I suppose a little bit of our before was creeping back up to me. But I wonder if it's because it's what is comfortable.
I'll say this much. It did hurt a little when I found out (late) that yet again, you had a new squeeze, and I wondered more than a few times at night - when you didn't respond to me fast enough/at all - if you were fucking her instead because I was a boring shit. I thought at that moment guys were all the same.
The line that touches me the most is that you think I'm kind, and that you'll never forget it. That is the one line I have committed to my long-term memory. (It's hard, I know).
But I am not sure about dwelling too much on discussing what we feel. It is too complex a subject that might lead only to disappointment.
About MY and the situation with A. Well, lets just say I always thought you were a secret drama queen, attracted to all things high-drama. You've never told me this stuff, and it makes me wonder how much else you haven't told me. And everything you've told me about her doesn't match the description of 'someone who is happy all the fucking time'.
Is it sad I never had such an interesting life?